
‘An Inconvenient Sequel’ Conveniently Compelling

‘An Inconvenient Sequel’ Conveniently Compelling

Undoubtedly the filmmakers and Former Vice President Al Gore expected their powerful new documentary – “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth To Power” – to end with the Paris climate accord achieved in 2016. But the current administration’s shortsighted, stunning decision to pull out of the accord made the sequel to the Academy Award-winning documentary, “An Inconvenient […]

Hollywood Welcomes Saudi Arabian Filmmakers

Hollywood Welcomes Saudi Arabian Filmmakers

Saudi Film Days, a two-day showcase designed to celebrate filmmakers from Saudi Arabia, will be held in Los Angeles, on Nov. 3-4, 2016. Paramount Studios and the Ace Hotel will hold screenings of the short films for free, on November 4. This is the first showcase for Saudi Arabian films and the creators. Seven talented […]

Wild Trends in the Wedding Photography Industry

Wild Trends in the Wedding Photography Industry

Planning to be married and looking for a photographer to chronicle the event? Perhaps someone is a photography buff who would like to break into the wedding photography industry, or they enjoy staying up-to-date with the latest leanings in nuptials as a passion project. If so, it is important that they stay in tune with […]

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