Social Media

Wild Trends in the Wedding Photography Industry

Wild Trends in the Wedding Photography Industry

Planning to be married and looking for a photographer to chronicle the event? Perhaps someone is a photography buff who would like to break into the wedding photography industry, or they enjoy staying up-to-date with the latest leanings in nuptials as a passion project. If so, it is important that they stay in tune with […]

Image Sharing via Instagram and Twitter

Image Sharing via Instagram and Twitter

Image sharing via Instagram and Twitter has become a popular activity in this tech-savvy society. In fact, those who are familiar with the pixel-crazed culture likely know all about “If This Then That” (IFTTT). IFTTT is a program that allows users to create “triggers” for their various applications. IFTTT can be used in a variety […]

Entertainment Today

Entertainment Today

The word “trending” has never been used as much as it has in the last two years than it ever has in history. The Twitter world has started something that is easily relatable to what people find entertaining. They take simple words and names that people want to know more about and put them into […]