Change Can Be Scary and the Universe of ‘What If’

Change Can Be Scary and the Universe of ‘What If’

Change can be scary. Many people are scared of change. One reason why is it also introduces those who venture down the path of change to the universe of “what if.” Imagine you are college-educated, African-American, Asian, or bi-racial, in support of gay rights, pro-choice, the right to bear arms, oppose the violation of civil rights, in favor of the legalization of marijuana, federal and state assistance to the needy, taxation of the wealthy, a bump in the minimum wage, more funding for education, or horror of horrors, an advocate of universal healthcare. In other words, you are what many Americans support while being the scourge of many others that vehemently oppose such hot topic issues.

The world we live in and modern-day society can be a scary place. Imagine being scared to bring children into this world, or if you decided to do so, what would you teach them: love or fear? Would you teach them to be brave and stand up for their beliefs or stand beside their peers who are bullied because they (or their parents) are different in some respect, due to race, religious practices, or sexual orientation?

While change can be scary, it can also introduce those who opt to make a transformation to the universe of “what if.” Would you have to tell them that their bodies do not belong to them, but to the laws of the state in which we reside? Would you have to tell them that unless they are wealthy, they will continue to struggle? Moreover, would you have to disillusion them by telling them that while wealth is attainable in this country, some of the fortunate few are doing all they can to prevent others from benefitting from the financial freedoms they experience? Would you have to explain the difference between welfare and entitlements, although the distinction can be vague and pointless in many instances?

Would you have to tell them that their educational future is likely to result in years of debt, depend upon the continued financial support of their parents, or be blessed via good fortune of scholastic endeavors that may not come to fruition? Would you have to inform them people who cannot afford healthcare will likely remain ill or perish because closed-minded and self-absorbed individuals cannot accept the notion of “sharing the wealth?”

Would you have to tell them that skin color can be an obstacle or precursor to their success and/or happiness in life because some people still have pre-conceived notions of other people’s “existence” or life path, even if they have never met or spoken to that individual? Would you have to explain discrimination, bias, and inequality based on race, creed, and/or gender as if it were a common, mundane occurrence or the societal norm?

These are all relevant, and in some respects, scary questions to be posed. This is because fear is often associated with change and many fear the notion of change. Much less, the harsh reality of transformation itself. Yet, some cannot look beyond the fear of the unknown to see all the possibilities that exist with change. There is a beauty and mystery that lies within the unknown. That realm of endless and unlimited possibilities which only exposes itself when given the freedom to grow and change. These are the transformations which reveal some of the hidden truths of life: While change can be scary, it is also cathartic and can be life-altering. Moreover, change introduces those that partake in it to the universe of “what if.”

Blog by Leigh Haugh

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