Breaking News

Suicide Epidemic in Anadarko, Oklahoma

Suicide Epidemic in Anadarko, Oklahoma

Anadarko, Oklahoma has experienced a wave of suicides in the past few weeks. Four young people have committed suicide in the small town. Lynn Bellamy has worked in the Anadarko school district for 25 years, as a teacher and then a principal. She said she knew all four young people who took their lives and […]

Chicago Police Fight Against Release of Chapman Video of Shooting

Chicago Police Fight Against Release of Chapman Video of Shooting

The Chicago Police Department is fighting against the release of the Cedrick Chapman shooting video. CNN News interviewed the family’s lawyer, Bryan Coffman who has seen the video and states that Chapman was killed eight seconds after exiting a stolen vehicle. Chapman, age 17, was carrying a black i-Phone box when he was shot and the officer […]

30 Killed in Nasarawa Feud Between Fulani Herdsman and Farmers

30 Killed in Nasarawa Feud Between Fulani Herdsman and Farmers

On Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016, a new feud erupted between the Fulani herdsmen and Agatu farmers in the village of Odeni Magaji, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Over 30 people have been killed in the renewed hostility. According to Tribune Online, the current Nasarawa State dispute erupted when a Fulani herdsman was killed after passing through a farm and destroying the Agatu farmer’s […]

Teacher Charged With Manslaughter for Leading Students on Fatal Ski Slope

Teacher Charged With Manslaughter for Leading Students on Fatal Ski Slope

CNN has reported Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016, a Parisian schoolteacher who took students onto a closed ski slope in the French Alps has been charged with involuntary manslaughter. Due to the avalanche that struck and killed three people, two of whom were students under his care. Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2016, Les Deux Alpes ski resort, […]

Iraqi Terrorist Arrested in Texas

Iraqi Terrorist Arrested in Texas

Texas Governor, Greg Abbott has confirmed that during an investigation into a possible terrorist plot, in Houston, the FBI learned that a refugee from Iraq was a willing participant in the plan. The FBI arrested him Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016. Abbott praised the FBI for their arrest but stated this is exactly why he wants to […]

Burns Oregon Militia Standoff Continues

Burns Oregon Militia Standoff Continues

The Harney County Sheriff’s office held a press conference on Jan. 4, 2016, regarding the militia group who has forcefully occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, near Burns, Oregon. The militants originally claimed to be in Burns for a peaceful rally protesting the reincarceration of two Harney County ranchers. However, after the rally several men, […]

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