Historic Powerball $1.5B Winner Determined Jan. 13, 2016 [Update]

Historic Powerball $1.5B Winner Determined Jan. 13, 2016 [Update]

The Powerball has hit a historical high of a $1.5 billion jackpot. According to WSBTV, Powerball fever has hit the United States. Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2016, at 11 p.m. ET will be the drawing.

There have been long lines across the country for Powerball tickets. Some people have driven a long way to buy their ticket because not all states have a lottery. There are 44 states that participate in the lottery. There are people that want some of the money, a small piece, and there are others who hope to hit it all.

Office lottery pools are popping up in offices all over the U.S. These type of lottery pools, however, often cause lawsuits. All bases need to be covered for it to work out in a way that is conducive to everyone.

If all six Powerball numbers are matched, it is recommended by experts that the winner tells no one until a plan is devised with a financial expert. All too often people come into a lot of money and lose it all. Valerie Jenkins stated that she heard many lottery winners end up right back where they started. According to Ronald Hart, a financial advisor, 70 percent of the people who gain large sums of money are broke within seven years.

Hart advises that the winner meets with a financial advisor before letting anyone know they hold the winning numbers. It is important in a Powerball this size to have a strong financial plan. If the winner takes the lump sum, they will gain $900 million that will be taxed at 50 percent.

UPDATE: The winning numbers have been announced   they are: 4, 8, 19, 27, 34, and the Powerball was 10. The multiplier was 2X. If no one matches all six winning numbers, Saturday’s drawing will rise to $2 billion.

California Lottery officials have tweeted that there is a winning ticket in Chino Hills, near Los Angeles. The tweet announces that the ticket is a jackpot winner. Lottery officials are waiting to hear from other states for more winners.

By Jeanette Smith


WSBTV: Powerball hits $1.5B, largest-ever lottery jackpot for one winner
Image Courtesy of Pictures of Money’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License

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