FDA Issues Influenza Remedy Advisory

FDA Issues Influenza Remedy Advisory

The FDA issued a consumer advisory warning people to use caution when choosing an influenza remedy. As the terrible flu epidemic continues to ravish America, unapproved and fraudulent remedies promising relief began to surface. A record number of flu-related hospitalizations combined with an ever-growing death count has led to internet searches for medications or homeopathic treatments […]

Endangered Western Lily in Southern Oregon [Video]

Endangered Western Lily in Southern Oregon [Video]

Found only in the coastal marshes of Southern Oregon is the endangered Lilium occidentale commonly referred to as the Western Lily. These flowers only bloom once a year. The firey blooms grow in the South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve in Coos Bay. It is the only known location where the flowers grow. Scientists are working to […]

Northwest Joins 13 Other States Filing Suit Against DACA Termination

Northwest Joins 13 Other States Filing Suit Against DACA Termination

Fifteen states and the District of Columbia filed suit against the Trump administration citing displeasure over the termination Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Two Northwestern states announced they joined the battle, on Sept. 6, 2017. In Oregon, Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum kept to her word when she threatened this action during her speech […]

Food Banks Feed 1 in 7 Americans

Food Banks Feed 1 in 7 Americans

The number of people who live with hunger in the United States is astounding. Nearly 46 million, or 1 in 7, Americans depend on the services provided by food banks. Still, millions go to bed every night without a meal and not know if they will eat tomorrow. Food insecurity is difficult to detect. Most people […]

Premier League Is the Best in the World

Premier League Is the Best in the World

Barclays Premier League, English first division of soccer or simply Premier League is the name of the most important, best league of soccer in the world. On Monday, Aug. 15, 2017, the league celebrated its 25th birthday. How could a league so young consider itself the best? Premier is, in fact, the evolution of the oldest […]

Sanctions Against Chinese and Russians With Business Ties to North Korea

Sanctions Against Chinese and Russians With Business Ties to North Korea

The U.S. Treasury Department declared it levied sanctions against several companies and individuals in China and Russia who have ties to North Korea. The decision was made in part as an effort to isolate Kim Jong-un after his continued testing of intercontinental missiles and nuclear weapons. On Aug. 22, 2017, the sanctions against 10 businesses […]