Madeline Albright Slams Sanders and Praises Clinton

Madeline Albright Slams Sanders and Praises Clinton

Saturday, Feb. 6, 2016, Secretary of State Madeline Albright defended Clinton’s foreign policy credentials and her progressive ideas to a crowd at a Clinton rally in Concord, Hew Hampshire. She used her signature catchphrase at the event, to appeal especially to the young women in the audience, “Remember- there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.”

According to NBC News, Albright has spoken out in staunch opposition to Bernie Sander’s foreign policy plans. She said that she was very surprised at Sanders’ responses to questions about foreign policy during the democratic debate. Sanders had cited the fact that he didn’t vote for the Iraq war and Clinton did, as evidence of that he has better judgment than his opponent. Albright says one vote shouldn’t discredit Clinton’s years of experience as Secretary of State from 2009-13. “One vote isn’t really a strategy,” she remarked, continuing to state that in her opinion Sanders gave unsatisfactory answers during the debate.

Albright is highly supportive of Clinton’s wide range of experiences in politics, saying “what makes Secretary Clinton so remarkable is her relationship with both domestic and foreign policy.” The first female Secretary of State has stressed the immediate need we have for a president that is prepared to handle a lot of issues, “I have never seen such a complicated international situation, and we can’t afford [to have] learning on the job.” She slammed Sanders for his lack of experience in foreign policy, saying that Clinton gave better answers overall during the debates. She had detailed which countries were a threat, and what their relationship was to each other. As well as those the United States needs to pay attention to.

By Juanita Lewis
Edited by Cathy Milne


NBC News: Madeleine Albright Slams Sanders on Foreign Policy While Supporting Clinton

Image Courtesy of The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia’s Flickr page – Creative

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